Retaining the future.
Highbrook Drive
Followed by the construction of a Reinforced Concrete Piles Wall and an Allan Block Retaining wall, we will conclude our collaboration on this project by building a driveway for this new warehouse in Highbrook Drive in South Auckland.
Triton Drive, Rosedale
Concluded in Q2 2022, this amazing Retaining Wall is supported by more than 35 piles.
The Piles' dimensions are between 600 - 900 mm in diameter,4.0 - 7.5 m Embedment and 4.0 - 6.5 Maximum retained height.
Location: Rosedale
Kopupaka Reserve
Judges described the project as a successful translation of regional Maori traditions. Inspired by woven baskets for catching eel. Simple yet sophisticated engineering allows the baskets to retain silt and create habitats which will change over time
Customer: Cameron Civil
Location: Wetlands reserve

Stormwater Retention Ponds 1 & 2
ICB was contracted by InterCivil to construct these retaining ponds in the Pinehill subdivision between Spencer and Greville Road. They are constructed using pre-cast concrete panels which are inserted into steel U Beams.
Customer: Intercivil
Location: Spencer Road, Pinehill

Mike Greer Homes
Allan Block retaining walls in residential development.
Customer: Mike Greer Homes
Location: Hobsonville

Ramada Development
ICB was contracted to construct 115 piles for the foundations of the Ramada Apartment Hotel. We also built the retaining wall between the hotel and the neighbouring Cafe, Petrol Station and KFC.
Customer: McKenzie & Parma
Location: Oteha Valley Road & Cornerstone Drive, Albany
Latest news
CivilShare app is launched
If you have ANYTHING to offer those affected by shaky lands, whether it be labour, materials for rebuild, transport, machinery etc. you can list or find these things for free on the free CivilShare app. All listings are location based so you can see who needs or is offering help near you.
#LetsPullTogether #CivilShare #EQNZ
To Download the app, go to the App Store on Apple phones or the Play Store on IOS phones.

We offer a proven record of experience, innovation and reliability.
Why choose us
The company is a trusted designer and builder of a large range of retaining wall solutions and its success is reflected in its continuing growth by offering a proven record of experience, innovation and reliability.
and Safety
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace to ensure the wellbeing of our employees, our clients, and members of the public. Our goal is to eliminate all injuries, accidents, and incidents. Safety is a priority on all of our sites and jobs.
Temporary and
Emergency Walls
Quick response, public safety and keeping disruption to a minimum are always our top prioritites. We are committed to respond to your job within 24 hours - or even sooner when an emergency arises.